
Capo Colonna, breathing Magna Graecia


Distance: 13 km from Crotone
Total time by bus: 30 min.
It can be visited in 2 hours

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Symbol of the city's millenary history, the Doric column erected on the Capocolonna promontory (at about 13 km from the centre of Crotone) carries an echo of the splendour of the Magna Græcia period.
It is the only remaining column from the temple dedicated to the goddess Hera. Dating back to the 6th century B.C., it was one of the most important religious locations in Magna Græcia, upon which today stands the Capocolonna Archaeological Park.
The Park is made up of roughly 30,000 square meters of terrain allocated for excavations which brought to light the foundations from different buildings and domestic locations, along with 20 hectares of Mediterranean-grange woods in which are present pleasant natural trails that lead from the museum to the column.



In the Park is situated the magnificent museum built into the earth, to limit its environmental impact. Divided into three sections ("The Earth," "The Sacred," and "The Sea"), the Capocolonna Archaeological Park gathers together underwater artefacts, votive objects and structural ruins from the temple.

Capo Colonna - The archaeological area

By Gruppo di Marketing Territoriale - February 2010.